A downloadable game

1)Make a pico-8 shmup with the codes and picture samples (sample idea provided, heeh). 2)And some Internet music player (index.html) somewhere in the files. 3)And a little side-by-side window "Shooter" where the balls don't collide with player. Have to count 'hits' by yourself.


Files should open now.


About news on Internet these days

I play a character Bravo, Bravo-Gone-mad,





Bravo-at-getting-red-chargers-to: I DIDN'T WATCH OUTCAST 1

The same person yaui: I DID KILL MANY MONGERIANS




Horno memba twuu: STUDY NON-WAR

Excuse moi: Can you light up a cigarette on civil liberty adventure game nauuu

Spy Hard - Lupa läikyttää


aal tonen tarviin sua tänne sloon puhumaan *askaa

hi-ly:lo:ly:membaa uaiayiaaah

opintosuotitus ei palauta muisdi

CP (ceepee, iaaah) r£t&rds are pow-wow grp


sdiella sa tuntemattomie seasa vaa laukkaat 

universumi ei saa takas mitaan

my numba! iaaah!! There is papa. UAAAHH

I peesd uno coursemente

It wos hjäll


Antique - (i would) die for you

Basshunter - Dota 23:29 Basshunter - Dota Youtubessa Kappaletta Basshunter - Dota ei löydy Spotifystä 215

K-system - Guardian angel 23:25 K-system - Guardian angel Youtubessa K-system - Guardian angel Spotifyssä 211

Safri Duo - Played-a-live (the bongo song) 23:23 Safri Duo - Played-a-live (the bongo song) Youtubessa Safri Duo - Played-a-live (the bongo song) Spotifyssä 237

Lost Frequencies - Are you with me 23:20 Lost Frequencies - Are you with me Youtubessa Lost Frequencies - Are you with me Spotifyssä 213

Italobrothers - Summer air 23:16 Italobrothers - Summer air Youtubessa Italobrothers - Summer air Spotifyssä 126

Ofenbach - Hurricane ft. ella henderson 23:12 Ofenbach - Hurricane ft. ella henderson Youtubessa Kappaletta Ofenbach - Hurricane ft. ella henderson ei löydy Spotifystä 384

Ace Of Base - Don't turn around 23:08 Ace Of Base - Don't turn around Youtubessa Ace Of Base - Don't turn around Spotifyssä 225

Antique - (i would) die for you 23:05 Antique - (i would) die for you Youtubessa Antique - (i would) die for you Spotifyssä 199

Flo Rida - Wild ones (feat. sia) 23:01 Flo Rida - Wild ones (feat. sia) Youtubessa Flo Rida - Wild ones (feat. sia) Spotifyssä 203

Nicki Minaj - Starships 22:58 Nicki Minaj - Starships Youtubessa Nicki Minaj - Starships Spotifyssä 171

Solid Base - Colours of your dream 22:53 Solid Base - Colours of your dream Youtubessa Solid Base - Colours of your dream Spotifyssä 256

Beats & Styles - Dynamite 22:49 Beats & Styles - Dynamite Youtubessa Beats & Styles - Dynamite Spotifyssä 221

Corona - The rhythm of the night 22:45 Corona - The rhythm of the night Youtubessa Corona - The rhythm of the night Spotifyssä 256

Hypaton X David Guetta Feat. La Bouche - Be my lover [future rave remix] 22:43 Hypaton X David Guetta Feat. La Bouche - Be my lover [future rave remix] Youtubessa Kappaletta Hypaton X David Guetta Feat. La Bouche - Be my lover [future rave remix] ei löydy Spotifystä 235

Scooter - Rebel yell 22:38 Scooter - Rebel yell Youtubessa Scooter - Rebel yell Spotifyssä 235

Rihanna - We found love (feat. calvin harris) 22:33 Rihanna - We found love (feat. calvin harris) Youtubessa Rihanna - We found love (feat. calvin harris) Spotifyssä 119

hitmix soittolista googlehaku ti 26.12.23 Tapaninpäivä US Open Salohall..izza


GeneralBlckGoi - A ceepeewird hessu bin Generated

PST. Alsso A uno perfenaziini game Ballgame slon konsolois-obisto gursi sislytety mugeen pgettiin (3D ohjelmoitni, 2D ohjelmointi 2D grafiikka 3D grafiikka viope viope viope viope)

Globall Game Jam 2016 wasss interestingggggg

Nouledg: CB CEEPEE people climb to whack every static project.

They can map unboiled water

They can map a tennis racket

Means, they know how to build a number catalog (just like en in ein dé tutti laa Matrix)

They use this num cataloguér against you

Since they are on physical level

Like you and muenos

They can jam car radios


They can jam music equipment

They can set demands through e-equipment

Give them ideas

They take it away from you

They work thru working people

They are One with the prime group builders and minors haters

They can't connect really with working people

They think they can't get pension unless they minors qvill away from them

They attach to prime group builders on miritual ane

prime Label.grp builders idea for them: whack that p-sonnier

1.play its friend

2.deny its requests

3.whack its gfs

4.160iq mine is eternal evil

5.is so easy to whack that's pizza parlour

6.uses all power to collect information 1.presents a friend 2.goes in apartment 3.makes bfs look bad 4.is same like prime group builders: you don't need e-car pollution is good i eat pollution, when i am not eating your b

8.if everything goes wrong, eat nurses brain energy

9.doesn t like movement hard to move with stolen brain energy

10. likes to steal music movies games likes to sell but doesnt like when others sell

11. makes nurses turn against mi

12. plays thousands of nurses

13. uses nurses so called mandatory empathic card


Seurue jatkoi jouluateriaa, vaikka yksi makasi kuolleena – Helikopterilääkäri on nähnyt kaiken

goolge this

15. ceebee would like to have some of that "nurse's ass" and "bang it rll hoord" but what happens is:

White Denial

Prime group builders activate this from brain energy - denying dead people like Drew Swan is detrimental. Ceebee doesn't talk about dead people. Ceebii is activated denial. There is a prime group builders on A level tennis in Finland. They send game characters such as Eater figure. Eater eats its oponeentes and some fruits along the way to next level. Kind of summarizes what happens in groups.

A prime group is left. A bunch of minors is generated.

Prime group listens no God truth.

Prime group leader is powerful. Can handle to max 3000. But no plants trees animals rebirth all of that which you can find from sfanytime.com type in Free Willy. Prime group builders want to erase äks.

John Viescas

Ormanus github.com

Prime group buildersr limit us. Yas. School limitations are not always of truth. But a brain wave energy grabbing program.

CBII plays a murderer thru mi to gfs.

17. CBII dosent like download bars. cbii prefers endless waiting. "endless waiting is the option best prime group builders add for yaa"

18. CBwii denies of talking about a dead hamster - prime group builders attacked its hard. CBwii stole life energies thru that hamster. Since I've dropped them in nature before the CBwill gets in. Hamster got splashed with a energy - it constantly asked a request: Get Me In, when thinking of that, it said Get Me Out. Nagativti works thru generating LOOBS LOOPS that make no sense. Here is loop that makes no sense.

If you can talk to GURLS


If you cant talk to GURLS

If GURLS=balancing your battle with idiots 0

Is time for SPORT events

Get numbers

Balance yourself with 'EM

BEGIN LOOP Get up Stand Down REPEAT INDEFINITELY until the house owner breaks down

A person can break another by 

looping a lot

I personally know smokers loop

Start: blame others for smoking

Tell it again

Hitler: find minors to blame

Hbu: ancestories of Black people

Now that is the taboo number one.

House slaves aren't mention anywhere these days.

A smoker goes out.

Burns brain energy.

Comes in. Demands praises for smoking.

He generated maybe a smoke that was readable.

But he doesn't tell it. What a culture.

unrealengine 4 or 49 4.9 something works

While downloading uploading online prime group builders

steal ceebeewii brain energy 

ciibiiwii gets angry end is assisted do the same

1. find someone weak

2. that one is rly wk

3. has no deny system in place

4. hohohoo we all need deny sytsstem

5. denying a bteter playrer is end of ranking rise

6. chit 

If you like games

such as Tit-Man

you'll love dis


Sidenote. People are programmed. I Ken Prove Det. No one wants to go to war. But the prime group builders can program presidential palace to attack every family head. That then programs Youngs Jungs to go to war.

Say it how it is A CEEBEE then wacks it

And tells a message from brain eter masters

like how to eat brain fastests

A brain eter desent se det sosiety is crumblin 

sosiety is bildng woors

woors woors woors 

ntil it has smallened

prime group builders cant handle all people

are behind sosieti end woors end bisnesses gneraly

vryone struglles to look good to priem grp builders

adn hts haittaa themsjelver if aar money minors

dat one gets 3000

i get only 800

wad is woong wid mi

den dei coom




I was at 2011-2013 at HEL BINKI

I can't physicall boi stoff from there nau


Aina on vara nuuga moah


These works are now someone QVILL s me from witing it6500etennisracketdesigners

Source Codes are to keep a person and another from cracking on themselves and others.

A Ciibiiwii desent loik tests

Kirjoituskoe at Typingmaster he doesnt come into

A ciibiwi dosse loik other vamps at a talk lvl

a hend problemotics ore bodi problemotics

ai dount keöör


a ciibiwierd tries to get in - fcefully but a police deters if he desent nswer NRJ request


Games aside. Let's do a space rocket and fly to Mars. Oh I watched Total Recall backwards. 

These are 2016-2015 Applied Science study. An Alien Brain-Ate My Energy And I had (*A) to quit. "They didn't focus on Math - like US - crop circles - go to Stardust Ranch Even the ETs won't get tushy"

What do you do when you get none?

Calculate 3D Math. OVer and OUt.


People DINK gedding DUSHY is a 3D

point plane coordinates generating exp. (*XP WIndows)

A game Storm Warning is only 3D point plane coordinates

generating game ?

Points can be jammed.

Like the Whites jammed in the muhvie Get Jaut.

They Wanted a Black's superior Watcher ability so they could

(THE WATCHER NFLIX) stalk neighbour from here to eternity?

Some folks DINK eternity is PSY-SICAL BODI living as a cell

for Metusalem Years.

HECTOR GONZALEZ shread shared sc sacred frequencies

on a Youtube video. They ended up costing 50 bucks. There were 8




Captura de pantalla (2).png 454 kB
f10356736_ms_access_ja_vba_file.doc 3.3 MB
Source_Codes_for_music.zip 29 MB
winrar-x32-624.exe 3.1 MB
opinnotkalyasteenjalakeen.json 196 kB
Opinnot - Koski - Opintopolku.fi.pdf 254 kB
lohikuhajakalja.pdf 904 kB
cpvammaisetpowwowgrp.pdf 1.2 MB
blabax-23.11.rar 208 MB
website-list.rar 221 bytes
Godot_v3.5.3-stable_win64.exe_ANDAPROJECT.rar 34 MB

Development log